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Product Subtotal
Azhar - Mid East Templates Toolkit  × 1 54,99 
Azhar - Mid-East Organic Production Suite  × 1 35,99 
Subtotal 90,98 
Total 90,98  (includes 14,53  VAT (19%))

  • Click the PayPal button below to process your order.

Here's a One-Time Offer!

Daydreamer – Organic House Production Suite

43,97  Original price was: 43,97 €.19,59 Current price is: 19,59 €.

The launch of Azhar comes with many gifts! Grab an extra template as well as more than 500 uniquely crafted samples, vocals & MIDI for deep & organic house. Grab Daydreamer while it's on this huge sale and start developing your own unique sound!